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Growing Up

by Paul M. Carhart

Growing up is hard to do
That's what I've been told
But harder still is staying young
Who really wants to grow old?

Who wants to lose his teeth?
Who wants to lose his hair?
Who wants to lose a mind
that might never have even been there?

Better to stay a kid I say!
No matter what the age
What better way to savor
the acts upon life's stage?

What better way to hear?
What better way to see?
What better way to feel
and truly to be free?


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Do I long to be Peter Pan? Not really. But I do love Disney films and that's what I think of when I re-read this poem.

Of course, what I'm really referring to in the last stanza is the line of scripture in the Bible where Jesus says that we must recive the kingdom of God as a little child (Mark 10:13-16).

- Paul M. Carhart

  © 2002 Paul M. Carhart, all rights reserved, all media.