Fairlight Novels by Paul M. Carhart

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if there were no creativity in the world? What if, through some
strange set of circumstances, all of the arts -- painting, writing,
music, singing, acting -- everything creative was made illegal?
this futuristic world where creativity has been banned in favor
of "more useful" social and economic endeavors, Mancy Fairlight
secretly paints pictures in her run-down apartment. Despite her
illegal activities, Mancy really only desires one thing: to be left
alone to raise her six-year-old son Rembrandt.
Mancy lives in constant fear that one day the same government that
had executed her husband will discover her secret and come for her
family. When Remy begins to exhibit extraordinary musical talent,
Mancy's secret becomes even harder to keep and her worst fears become
reality. Unwittingly, she catches the attention of both General
Starrk, the man who had engineered her husband's public execution,
as well as a dark stranger who has links to her family's past and,
if he has his way, their future as well...
from Chance for the Future
they're getting closer," Remy yelped.
looked at the rifle in her hands distastefully. She hadn't wanted
to use it, especially after she had taken out that Enforcer with
Chance's laser pistol. However, as it was then, it was now a matter
of survival.
son's survival.
to put those lessons back to work, she thought as she hefted
the rifle up against her shoulder, flipped the safety off, and began
to pick her targets through the scope.
laser blasts rocked the car. Mancy aimed at the closest Enforcer
and calmly squeezed off a shot. A small explosion enveloped the
man's head, reflecting briefly in his shiny helmet. He flew back
three or four feet before crumpling lifelessly on the ground.
stared at his mother in shock.
* *
car jolted twice as the Enforcers' fire began to finally find their
target through the smoke screen the hover car had produced. Chance
knew that he only had a minute or so to get the hover car operational
again. He smiled, however, as he heard additional, closer, laser
blast fire in response to the Enforcers' shots. Mancy was returning
fire. She might actually gain him another minute, he thought.
the two live wires apart, Chance began to search for a severed connection.
Unfortunately, there were several severed connections. Chance was
glad, however, that the geniuses who had designed these vehicles
had color-coded their wiring. It wasn't hard for him to be able
to tell which wire needed to connect to which.
Within a minute, Chance had connected all of the severed connections
together and there was no sign of an outbreak of electrical fire.
* * *
had a second Enforcer in her sights. Just as she was about to squeeze
off the shot, someone banging on the rear of the hover car interrupted
her attention. Her finger tightened on the trigger but the shot
missed the approaching Enforcer.
turned around to find out what the new noise was. Through the rear
window of the hover car, she saw Chance's face.
it now!" he said, his voice barely audible through the window and
laser fire.
She reached over and flipped on the hover field generator switch.
A laser blast splashed against the passenger window frame, rocking
the car. The generator thrummed to life, again lifting the car to
float unevenly above the pavement.
Chance's muffled voice ordered.
she was still sitting in the passenger seat, Mancy hit the forward
motion accelerator without even thinking.
car lurched forward, heading straight for the side of a building.
Mancy yanked on the steering yolk and straightened the car out so
that it veered left, down the open street she had noticed before.
that her chances of getting out of control were still pretty good
without anyone actually in the driver's seat, Mancy climbed over
Remy and seated herself in front of the steering yolk. She glanced
quickly at the rear view screen and could see the forms of the Enforcers
diminishing behind them. She could not suppress her smile as she
fed the accelerator more power. It had been a long time since she
had been in the driver's seat. Besides, the further they were away
from the Enforcers, the safer they would be, she figured.
"Mom, what about Chance?" Remy asked.
for the Future Characters
losing her husband, Mancy goes into hiding to give birth to her
son. Six years later, events conspire to force her back out into
the open. Can she escape her husband's killer while protecting her
six years old is hard enough. Having a driving need to create music
in a world that has banned creativity is even worse. What's a young
boy with talent to do?
is this dark stranger who has come to Mancy's rescue and what are
his ties to her past?
been dead for six years, yet Mancy Fairlight cannot forget him.
Nor does she want to.
older British actor is second in command of the Resistance but first
when it comes to cracking a smile.
she is only twenty-four years old, this young Resistance leader
seems to know more than she is letting on.
career officer is being groomed for the highest position in the
Enforcement Corps. But what is his connection to the Fairlight family?
calculating and resourceful; General Starrk's secret practices are
about to come to light if he cannot close the six year old Fairlight
case once and for all.

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the midst of a creative draught, seventeen-year-old musical prodigy,
Rembrandt Fairlight, finds himself at a crossroads in a time of
renaissance. Despite his creative accomplishments, Remy feels that
his life leans only toward the creative and he believes that finding
out about the father he never knew will provide the key to who he
really is.
the world is also at a crossroads and is in danger of being consumed
by an even worse tyranny than his mother and stepfather had helped
to overturn eleven years before. At the threshold of this secret
insurrection is young Hope Anstace, who will do anything to defend
her family's estate against the mysterious raiders who have been
pillaging her homeland. When they are thrown together, Remy discovers
that Hope needs his help in her fight as much as he needs her to
find his destiny. However, Hope has already started down a dangerous
path of her own.
sequel to Chance for the Future, Hope
for Tomorrow is a coming of age tale of adventure and romance
illustrating that clarity can sometimes be best found in chaos and
that love can survive whatever may come.
from Hope for Tomorrow
they emerged from the rows of olive trees that lined the hillside,
Hope Anstace could see that her worst fears were coming true. Energy
flashes were erupting in the clearing below. Utilizing the intermittent
light of the explosions, Hope was able to take in the details of
her home, her imagination and first-hand knowledge of the property
filling in the gaps that the flashes did not illuminate. She could
barely make out her father in front of the main house, firing his
rifle at the enemy. She could also see plainly that there were too
many raiders for her father to withstand.
needs my help!
Cira!" she yelled at the top of her lungs as she slung her rifle
from her shoulder. She thumbed on the power switch and was rewarded
with the satisfying thrum of the energy pack engaging with the firing
mechanism. The rifle wasn't state of the art, she knew, but it would
do the job.
the flashes, Hope was able to make out certain details concerning
the raiders. Most of the men were on the ground, running to and
from the two buildings. They seemed to be just as interested in
the house as the rest of the compound. There also seemed to be several
black hover cars parked near the stable: the raider's obvious means
of transportation. The men all wore black uniforms...yes uniforms.
They were all the same, each one sporting the same reflective helmets
and the same red pin striping. Hope recognized the pattern too.
Although the coloration was different from the pictures she had
seen, she realized that the raiders were Enforcers!
thought Enforcers were no more!
had been years since she had even heard tell of them.
of the soldiers stepped out of the main house and Ander, who was
still leading the way into the compound, pounced on him. The man
went down, his head bouncing against the wall and his laser rifle
falling out of reach.
pulled her rifle up so the stock rested against her shoulder.
These are not people, she thought, they are night wolves...
scavengers. They deserve what they get.
laser scope targeted an enemy uniform. Hope gritted her teeth and
squeezed off a shot. The man cried out as he fell to the ground.
balancing the rifle in her right hand, she touched her left knee
to Cira's side, urging the light brown stallion around to face another
direction. She had lost track of Ander but she was certain he would
be fighting for their land just as she was.
with one arm, the scope of her rifle selected another enemy. With
her knees, she gripped her steed. She steadied her shot with her
other hand.
true, she thought as she fired again, this time punching a hole
through the back of her target's shiny black helmet.
for two.
there were more soldiers swarming about than she could easily count
and she realized she would have to change her tact in order to be
rid of them.
on, Cira," she said as she pulled her steed around, pointing him
in yet a different direction. She touched her heels to him again
and they galloped north along the outskirts of the property. If
she could make the attackers believe there were more defenders than
just herself and her father, she might be able to run them off,
at least for the time being. Next time, she would be in the compound
to help her father fight them off. For now, all she could hope for
was a reprieve from the attack.
had gone perhaps fifty feet when she brought Cira to a halt again.
She turned him toward the main house once more and selected a target
in the rifle's laser scope. She took a breath before firing. The
shot easily took down another Enforcer.
don't know who they're messing with," she said under her breath.
"Anstace blood always flows last."
swung the rifle around to bear on another black-clad soldier. There
were so many of them, she realized, that it would be hard for her
to miss.
she squeezed off a shot. The man fell to the ground.
to hit them where it hurts," she said to Cira. "Let's get those
hover cars."
snorted in affirmation.
directed Cira further around the property so she could come up behind
the stable. Within moments, she was in position.
had little experience or interaction with the high-tech baubles
that were popular and common in the city. However, she was certain
that she recognized the fuel caps on the rear of each of the five
hover cars. It would only take two or three well placed shots to
disable them all.
she didn't want to destroy them all.
want them gone, not stranded here.
pulled the rifle up to her eye and let the laser sight rest on the
rightmost car's fuel cap. Confidently, she pulled the trigger. The
shot found its mark and the hover car exploded in a brilliant ball,
splaying shrapnel around itself like the rings of Saturn.
her knees, she directed Cira to back up so they would be hidden
behind the stable. Already, the soldiers' attention had turned toward
the decimated vehicle. She didn't need to bring them all down on
behind the cover of the stable, she whipped Cira around and headed
back out into the dark countryside. If her logic was correct, these
soldiers would be leaving soon.
she rode away from the compound, Hope watched behind her, trusting
Cira to take her safely from the raiders' view. The wind knocked
her hair free from the knot she had put in it but she let it fly.
As soon as she was a good distance out from the main compound, she
lifted the rifle up. Quickly, she switched off the targeting mechanism
so she could make use of the scope without landing a red dot on
someone's black uniform. She certainly didn't want to give away
her position now.
the scope, she could see the black-clad men scampering into their
hover cars. By the time she brought Cira to a halt, the hover cars
had twisted on their anti-grav fields and sped off into the dark
countryside, leaving the main compound in a flickering, smoldering
think twice before coming back to Anstace land, she decided.
on, Cira," she said as the horse made a wide semi-circle, "let's
go home."
trotted back toward the compound. The stallion's uneasiness manifested
itself beneath her as a new tightness in his muscles. She knew the
old boy was hesitant to return to the source of such noise and violence.
they got a little closer, Hope realized that she could sense no
movement on the property. Fear gripped her. She nudged Cira into
a gallop. They reached the main house a minute later and before
Cira could come to a stop, Hope had vaulted herself over his side.
Landing firmly, she sprinted with every ounce of energy she had
toward the house, her sandled feet kicking up dust against the dirt
rifle fell from her shoulder onto the ground.
Ander! Where are you?"
burst through the front door of the house. "Lights," she said. The
house lit up as it was programmed to, except where a lamp had been
shattered in the living room. She barely noticed that the house
was a shambles. She darted from room to room, searching for a living
were none.
dead ones either, thank God.
launched herself out of the house and into the compound, bounding
over the porch's three steps in one leap. She passed a still skittish
Cira but paid him little mind. Where was her father? Her fear was
now getting the best of her imagination.
came upon the stable, which was illuminated by the blossoming fire
of the hover car she had taken out.
was a sound from within the stable. Hope's spirit rose as she rushed
horse snorted from inside the stall to her left.
Hope didn't try to hide her disappointment.
glanced around to take in the rest of the stable. Other than the
scattering of tools and disarray of the harvested olives that had
been stored in one of the extra stalls, nothing really seemed out
of the ordinary.
outside the stable, she could hear the distant sound of a familiar
Instantly, she was back outside. "Ander, come here boy!"
charged from the darkness as if he had come through a curtain.
got down on her knees to catch and embrace him. However, Ander stopped
just short of her and barked urgently.
wrong," she muttered.
turned and headed back the way he had come.
stood back up, putting her hands on her hips. The dog turned back
around and barked at her again. Then he wheeled about and disappeared
back into the darkness.
Hope sprinted after Ander, a crazy, agonizing fear squeezing her
heart. "Father?"
minutes, she had left the light of the flaming hover car and re-entered
the darkness of the early morning landscape. Even though dawn was
quickly approaching, Hope knew that she would never have been able
stay with the dog if it were not for Ander's whimpering and barking.
when she reached her destination, Hope almost wished she had lost
her way.
she cried, recognizing his crumpled shape on the ground next to
Ander. The dog was nudging the man with his muzzle, attempting to
wake him.
the look of him, however, Hope knew her father would never get up
turned her head away for a moment, unable to look. Her long black
hair fell over her face, hiding the gruesome sight from her.
Ander continued to whine.
lifted her head, her hair falling obediently back into place. She
took a deep breath, strengthening and hardening herself to the situation,
fighting back the pain... the emotions... the tears. She stepped closer.
The sun was just beginning to peek over the countryside for what
promised to be a perfectly beautiful autumn day. Hope took in the
scent but now all she smelled was death.
had made it to another day. Her father had not.
sorry, Father," she said under her breath. "I should have been here."
the half-light, she could see her father's face, the lines in it
making him seem older than she had known him to be. Protruding from
his chest was a black pike with red pin striping.
glanced around and saw that his rifle was a good twenty feet away.
He had been unarmed and defenseless when the Enforcers had killed
they had run him through from behind...
welled up inside of her.
will not get this place, Father," Hope vowed. "I will never leave
this land."
father did not respond.
for Tomorrow Characters
seventeen years old and already written symphonies, invented musical
instruments and is the darling of the World Creative Alliance. What
else is there left to do? Bored with his accomplishments, Remy sets
off to find out, seeking those who knew his late father to help
him discover who he is and who he is to become.
up on a vineyard didn't prepared Hope for defending the countryside
from the mysterious raiders who attack her home and kill her father.
But hunting night wolves did. Together with her loyal dog, Ander,
and Cira, her stalwart steed, Hope vows to rid her homeland of the
encroaching enemy, no matter who they are or what the cost.
Recruit Maak Anaba:
she went as a child, Corps Brat Maak Anaba never really fit in.
Tagging along after her father, an Enforcement Corps officer, didn't
help matters. As a teen, she rejected the Corps and struck out on
her own. But when things on the street turned out badly for eighteen-year-old
Maak, she returned to the Corps, where she found familiarity, security
and a sense of belonging... But that was before she fell head over
heels for Rembrandt Fairlight.
Creative Alliance President, Mancy Reed:
eleven years, Mancy has been the president of the World Creative
Alliance. Indeed, things have turned around significantly for creatives
since she helped overturn General Starrk's reign eleven years earlier.
Unfortunately, Mancy is about to find out the measure of sacrifice
required to make such progress.
Gentleman, Chance Reed:
isa man of action to do when he's relegated to escorting the president
to fancy dinners, opulent fundraisers and exquisite parties? Get
plain bored, that's what! But Chance would have rather remained
bored than to face the trials that are to come.
blood between Nik and Chance in the past is not enough to keep the
good-natured actor away when Remy goes missing.
Fredrik Tannk:
his commanding officer placed a heavy burden on the conscience of
then Major Fredrik Tannk. But that didn't stop him from accepting
command of the Enforcement Corps after Starrk's fall and molding
the institution into what he always thought it should be. Little
did he know that his late friend's wayward son would be the harbinger
of his toughest test.
unlikely pairing, perhaps. Still, she's the silent strength that
General Tannk relies on, even when he has to keep Government secrets
from her. So how come she always seems to know what is going on?
was delighted to receive the promotion to leiutenent when he accepted
the position of Aide to General Tannk. However, he had no idea what
he was getting himself into.
General Kraatos:
with the World Creative Alliance, this neo-Starrk fanatic leads
a secret Enforcer splinter group intent on restoring the Government
to it's "glory." And if he can rid the world of those
who participated in the Government's downfall in the process, all
the better.
Captain Marc Fairlight:
he died valiently before Remy was born, it is the character of his
father that Remy longs to know and emulate.

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times of turmoil, not everyone can be a hero.
everyone gets a choice.
to her Uncle Chaser, Faith Fairlight's life is just beginning.
But life on the vineyard isn't as exciting as she'd like it to
be. So when Chance offers her the job of a lifetime, Faith jumps
at the opportunity. There was no way for her to know that she
was opening the door to the greatest adventure she could ever
imagine and to a love that would stand the test of time.
a cast of familiar characters, this third Fairlight novel brings
the series full circle, filling in gaps and expanding Carhart's
original "world without creativity" without sacrificing any of
the adventure, surprises, romance and passion readers have come
to expect.
from Faith in the Past
don't do it!" Chance cried as he charged toward her.
Young Faith Fairlight turned around and saw him coming.
figured it out, Grandpa!" she called over the throbbing universe.
didn't care. The only thing he was concerned about was stopping
her from getting any closer to the six-foot tall stripe of brilliant
white light. Every fiber of his being screamed out against the
machine and he cursed himself for being so old and slow.
away from it!"
have to show you. I was the right one..."
that, Faith stepped into the light and winked out.
skidded to a halt and stared into the tirelessly undulating ribbon
of light. He could barely believe his eyes, blinking two or three
times in denial.
sob escaped his mouth.
it fry her? Or is it some sort of passageway... or portal? Damn
it Princess, what in the hell were you thinking?
impatiently danced from one foot to the other. What can I do?
Maybe she'll come back through. What if she doesn't? What in the
world am I going to tell Remy? My God, how can I live with myself
if she doesn't come back through?
back, Princess! Oh Lord, let her come back! Please!
second or two passed.
She's not coming back. Guess I'm going to have to go after her.
He took a deep breath. I thought my days of rescuing damsels
was over...
rushed for the brilliant light, hoping it wouldn't just disintegrate
him and unceremoniously end his life.
in an explosive array of sparks, the machine erupted into a fireball,
blasting shards of metallic debris in every direction. It was
all Chance could do to change direction and dive back behind the
rubble-crowded hole that led back toward the computer room.
the raining shrapnel subsided, Chance blinked the dust out of
his eyes and climbed back through the hole. The machine was no
more... only a smoking pile of slag remained in its place.
through the machine's destroyed pieces was the first lady herself,
Faith Tannk.
overtook Chance. What had she engineered here?
saying a word, he leapt through the hole and fell upon her, wrapping
his huge hands around her neck.
you all to hell! You killed my granddaughter!"
in the Past Characters
her creative heritage as Rembrandt Fairlight's daughter and the
fact that she was named after the First Lady, Faith doesn't consider
herself creative at all and longs instead for romance and adventure.
First Lady,
Faith Tannk:
always known a little bit more than she's let on and now her true
motives are revealed.
isn't the kind of guy who lets anything get in his way, even if
it's his own age.
Mancy Fairlight-Reed:
being married at one time or another to two of the resistance's
greatest heroes, Mancy has a destiny of her own to fulfill.
Nik Tavarone:
armed with a quick wit and a sideways grin, in times of turmoil,
Nik Tavarone is just the guy to have along for the ride.
Marc Fairlight:
for betraying the Enforcement Corps, what secret did Marc Fairlight
take with him to the other side?
World Creative Alliance President, Fredrik Tannk:
known to Faith Fairlight's generation as a fair and righteous
President. But what did Fredrik Tannk have to endure to attain
such position? And at what cost?
General Starrk:
after the General's death, what secret remained hidden beneath
his seat of command? And how can it endanger everything Faith
Fairlight has ever known and everyone she has ever loved?
ruthless and merciless and he's had it out for anyone named Fairlight
or Tannk for as long as he can remember.
Rembrandt Fairlight:
retirement on the vineyard suited him just fine but his oldest
daughter had other plans.
Hope Fairlight:
up a brood of Fairlight children hasn't made Hope forget that
it's a dangerous world beyond the vineyard.
Harmony Fairlight:
younger sister has a beautiful voice and is destined for adventures
of her own.
Fisher Fairlight:
the youngest of the Fairlight family and none too happy with his
of Ander's offspring, Ambrose is just as loyal if not a little
more tolerant than his ancestor.
Chaser Reed:
all grown up and an Enforcer Lieutenant who's just been assigned
to the Space Program. So why's he still single at twenty-nine
years old?
Zaak Anaba:
is sometimes not deserved and always comes at a price.
all of the Fairlight's adventures, Franklin seems to be the only
one outside of the family who always makes it back home alive.
Jaric Fairlight:
Fairlight is surprised to discover a new branch in the Fairlight
family tree.