Unchained Melody
by Paul M. Carhart
Less than a year after Lori and I were married, Melody
Hannah arrived.
was impatient. She was two months early and only 3 pounds, 8 ounces.
For first-time parents who were still newlyweds with no family nearby,
her arrival was quite an adjustment.
we brought Melody home almost a month after she had been born, we
were surprised to discover that she came with some unexpected equipment.
An oxygen tank.
of the first things that Lori and I missed was the ability to go
to the movies. When I was growing up, my parents would make popcorn
and take us to the drive-in. If only we lived in another time!
I discovered carload.com,
a website that tracks Colorado drive-in movie theaters. What a find!
The Mesa Drive-In in Pueblo was just the ticket. Open seasonally,
the property touts three screens, each featuring two movies for
only $6.50 a person. And instead of those horrid speakers from my
youth, the sound comes through the car stereo.
of all, we were able to take Melody and her oxygen tank with us
so we could keep her close. It was our daughter's first cinematic
experience and the start of a family tradition.
over a year old now. Since the drive-in, she's flown on an airplane,
hobnobbed with published authors at the Pikes Peak Writers Conference
and traveled back in time to the Colorado Renaissance Festival in
little girl is determined. She now crawls faster than I can walk,
climbs over everything and cries "Da-da-da-da" when I come home
from work.
of these days I'll come home to the smell of fresh popcorn and I'll
know it's time to take Mommy and Melody to the movies once again.
But from now on, the oxygen tank isn't invited.