Hazel Action Sports Show Booth Concept Art - Hazel, Inc.

Because of the success of the Slimsuit themed showrooms, it wasn't too much of a stretch to imagine what kind of crazy ideas we could come up by utilizing Hazel's wacky image. Designed initially for the 1995 Action Sports show in San Diego, the rough pencil drawing above illustrates my final design, which took a small booth space and made room for an elevated runway with a large Hazel logo on the wall behind where the model would walk (branding the swimwear everytime the model came out) as well as a dressing room and two sales stations. Swimwear not being shown was stored underneath the bar that separated the customers from the sales staff. Made primarily from plastic piping and curtains, this booth was inexpensive, portable and flexible: easily able to be re-created throughout the year as needed for additional shows.

Check out the photos of the completed Hazel booth.

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  © Paul M. Carhart, all rights reserved, all media. Artwork © Hazel, Inc.