This Issue:
Online Community | Events
| Online Stores | Chance for the
Future | Hope for Tomorrow | Faith
in the Past | Upcoming Projects
I do something, I do it all the way... I've discovered.
In August,
Lori and I got married. She moved from California out to Colorado with
me at that time. In December, we bought a house and moved in two weeks
before Christmas. Did I mention we're expecting our first baby in mid-June?
As you can see, we Carharts jump in feet first and do it all.
My writing,
while not suffering, certainly took a minor backseat to all of the personal
activity. However, in the new house, I have the most spacious office I
could ever ask for. And so it is that I sit down and FINALLY attempt to
update my website with what has been going on. For updates on specific
projects, read on.
Of course,
"Faith in the Past," the third Fairlight novel, is still available.
If you haven't yet picked up a copy, I encourage you to do so by clicking
here. It's available both in paperback and hardcover.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy Community
The article, "POD
and Me," indeed ran in the September edition of The Pikes Peak
Writer, a newsmagazine for the Pikes Peak Writers. This organization,
for which I now serve as secretary, is the group behind the wonderful
Pikes Peak Writers Conference every year. This year, as I did last year,
I will also be running the Friday Agent Read & Critique Sessions.
Last year at the conference, I pitched One of the Girls to warm results.
As for the aforementioned
article, I have opted to re-run it at the Sci-Fi & Fantasy Community.
While I am technically, the "leader" of this community, with
all that has been going on in my personal life, I must say that I am
not doing as good a job of "leading" it as I would like. Still,
the article is now up for you to read if you are so inclined. I've also
written a short piece reflecting on progress.
POD and Me
Making Progress
If you're not a
member of Pikes Peak Writers,
I highly recommend it. Not only do they put together great bi-monthly
workshops, as well as the new free-to-members Write Brain Sessions,
they also put on the acclaimed Pikes
Peak Writers Conference and give conference discounts to PPW members.
The next event I
will be attending will be the Pikes Peak Writers Conference in late
April. This year I will not be speaking or signing as I did last year.
I will, however, be running the Friday Agent Read & Critique Sessions
as well as moderating and attending as many workshops as
I can. I'm sure I'll also pitch one of my many projects to an agent
or an editor. How could I let such an opportunity pass me by?
Fairlight Novels: Chance
for the Future & Hope
for Tomorrow
You may be surprised
to discover that I'm currently working on "Chance for the Future:
Special Edition." Why? As I continue to hone my craft as a storyteller,
I've grown and polished my abilities. And, as I seek professional representation
on my path to traditional publication, I have decided to once again
seek an agent or editor for one of my favorite stories. However, CFTF
was started in 1998. As I glance back through the manuscript, I find
that there are parts of the novel that I would write differently now.
Nothing major is changing, mind you. Plot and POV will remain the same
and I'm not adding any new scenes (at least not yet). It's merely a
revision. A polish. I think of it as telling the same story with perhaps
a few different words (and less adverbs). HFT and FITP were both written
after having the experience of crafting CFTF under my belt and don't
require this sort of effort.
So how can you read
this new version of CFTF? Unfortunately, you can't. At least not now.
This version of CFTF will be shopped to agents and editors this year
in hopes of finding a traditional publisher to bring the Fairlight stories
out in more of a wide release through traditional booksellers. If all
goes well, you'll be able to pick this version up in bookstores in a
year or so. And your current copy of CFTF will become a collector's
Now Available:
"Riot Act"
Prisoners of Time: Collection of Speculative Ficition is
now available wherever you buy your books (although you may have to
special order it from brick and morter booksellers). This book features
some of the hottest new and undiscovered sci-fi talent around -- including
me! Nik Taverone's (Chance's loyal sidekick in the Fairlight novels)
appearance in Riot Act. This is the story of Nik's escape from
a cleansing camp prior to joining the resistance and the book is certainly
a must-have for Fairlight collectors. Available in paperback
and hard
Don't forget to
check out other Fairlight-related tales, Taking Chances and Saint
Nik in the Short Stories section of
#3: Faith in the Past
Get your copy
The trade paperback edition of the third Fairlight novel, Faith in
the Past, is available at just about every bookselling website you
can think of and can be ordered from pretty much any brick and morter
store as well. It's the least expensive of the Fairlight tales too.
Only $19.95! Get
yours today!
Special Hardcover
Collectors Edition of Faith in the Past
The special hardcover Collectors Edition of Faith in the Past
is also available. Get
yours today!
Lots of time has
passed since my last update so let's see how things have changed.
One of the
After the wedding and the moving and then the moving again to the new
house, I've finally found the time to start sending out the queries
for OOTG. My hopes are high that an agent or editor will take a fancy
to my tale. Only after I have exhausted all avenues, do I intend to
go another round with self-publishing and/or POD.
Chance for
the Future: Special Edition
As stated above, I am now editing a revised edition of CFTF that I intend
to shop to agents and editors in the world of traditional publishing.
If I can interest someone in the first book, I can likely sell the series.
That is my goal. I expect to complete the editing process by the end
of January.
Angel Guardian:
Book One
Working Title: Noel's Defense
Perhaps the most newsworthy item this time out, this is the untitled
series I've been hinting about for the past few months. Needless to
say, 2004 began with the plotting of the next novel I will write. It
is a new series concept that deals with spiritual warfare between humans,
angels and demons. While I will undoubtedly, in the interest of artistic
freedom, cross lines that some Christians may find uncomfortable, I
expect the tale to be exciting and unnerving. As I said, this novel
is now plotted and I expect to start writing it in early February.
Travel Tips
for Every Day
My little travel advice book with a twist is shaping up. However, unless
a market magically appears for this book, it is going to take a back
seat to my fiction publishing efforts.
Faith Restored
Ah, the Fairlight universe. This series has a soft spot in my heart.
How do Chance, Mancy, Faith and Tannk ultimately conquer the Government?
Unfortunately, even though I've plotted this entire story (and even
started writing it), you'll have to wait some time to find out. My efforts
to publish traditionally are taking priority, which forces me to diversify
what I'm sending out. Granted, traditionally publishing CFTF is part
of the plan. If that comes to pass, I expect to sell the existing Fairlight
trilogy and perhaps even a new book in the series (this one). Suffice
it to say, at least until I finish Noel's Defense,
Faith Restored
will have to wait.
The Crockett
No movement on this project.
Life is But
a Dream
No movement on this project. With a baby on the way, I expect it to
take slightly different shape anyway.
Thanks for your support
and readership and God bless!

M. Carhart
Author, The Fairlight Novels