Online Stores: Chance for the Future | Hope for Tomorrow | Faith in the Past

This Issue: Chance Encounters | Upcoming Events | Chance for the Future | Hope for Tomorrow | Faith in the Past | Upcoming Projects


March 2, 2002

Welcome! It's been a heck of a February. Things have been shifting and changing but I've been keeping my eye on the ball. It's difficult to get a balance between promotion and writing the next book. Through these difficult economic times, I've been fortunate to retain consistent work, which makes it even harder to accomplish that balance. So, despite the apparent lack of activity at Chance Encounters (my latest article was from January) and a lack of upcoming signings and events, things on the creative front are moving swimmingly. And for the first Valentine's Day in a long time, I've had someone special to share it with (Hi, Kim!). Despite the welcome distractions, I've managed to complete the first draft of Faith in the Past, but you'll have to read on to find out more about that. Also, this edition of the Update is the first that will be posted and archived at my website.

Now on to the usual subjects...


Chance Encounters

I must apologize for not writing a new article for February but I expect a new one within the coming weeks for March. Nevertheless, change is in the air and that usually means progress. It may come to a shock to some readers, but I'm currently exploring housing Chance Encounters elsewhere on the Web. I considered housing it on my site but I wanted something that would garner attention and scoop up some traffic. is now the likely choice. I've had pages at AuthorsDen for well over a year but I've never really done much with them. I like some of the features AuthorsDen offers and I really want to keep everything in one place. AuthorsDen is also visited frequently by readers rather than primarily other authors. Besides, Matthew Miller, President of AuthorsDen was kind enough to review Chance for the Future back in the day. Therefore, I'm looking at what it would take to migrate the current Chance Encounters content there and then follow that up with updates at AuthorsDen. I haven't made any decisions yet, but that's what I'm thinking. Those of you on the Update list will remain.

Check out to see what a great set up they offer.

Oh, and if you haven't seen my latest article, which deals with the making of the cover for Chance for the Future, check it out at my site.


Upcoming Events

Jonathan Martin and I are putting together an event that will occur this spring, most likely at our favorite stomping grounds (McKinzey-White Bookshop, Garden of the Gods & Centennial). Jon is inches away from seeing Threkjshanelle: Collection Two in print and I'll be signing copies of Hope for Tomorrow. We're also working on some additional media coverage for the event. More as the event takes shape.


Chance for the Future & Hope for Tomorrow

Colorado Availability: In addition to the copies of Chance for the Future rotating through Pike's Peak Public Library (there are four), Heroes & Dragons (Citadel Mall) probably still has a signed copy, McKinzey-White still has a few signed copies and Media Play (Citadel Crossing) still has two signed copies of both Chance for the Future and Hope for Tomorrow. Feel free to pick up a set today!


Faith in the Past

The first draft of Faith in the Past has been completed. It's a complicated story of love and war that takes place mostly during the time period covered in Chance for the Future. Yes. I'm sure many of you will be pleased that we get to go back to the time when creativity has been banned. Just about every character I've introduced in the previous two books (except Maak) makes an appearance, so whoever your favorite character is, you'll likely see him or her.

Currently, I'm making another pass through the book. A couple weeks from now, it will be handed off to a couple trusted editors. At that time, I'll turn my attention to a few different things (see below) as well as start work on the cover for FITP. For those of you who are familiar with my characters, you'll be happy to know that the cover for FITP will most likely feature Faith, Tannk and Nik Tavarone (yes, he's back). Faith will be portrayed by Jamaica Lee Smith. Tannk will most likely be portrayed (I have yet to take the photos) by David Puckett. Nik will be portrayed by Kris Cartwright. I look forward to bringing these characters to life visually. Indeed, I look forward to seeing this book in print and getting your reactions.

Unfortunately, FITP may not see print as readily as HFT did. I'm considering shopping it around to agents and traditional publishers (as I did with CFTF) before going the same route I did with CFTF and HFT. More on that as it develops.


Upcoming Projects

In addition to finishing Faith in the Past this year, I have four other writing projects on my plate as well as the next Fairlight novel. Let me tell you about some of them.

1) The Crockett Chronicles
Yes, Chris Weil and I are hoping to finally publish these short story-style gems about our unique friend, Shawn Crockett. Just over half of the stories we want to tell have been written, however. That means that both of us are going to have to crack the whip and get going. We hope to publish by the end of the year, probably through POD publisher, (since neither Chris or I can imagine that any traditional publisher or agent would be interested in such hokum). It'll probably be at home on the humor shelf but you can judge for yourself. Current versions of some of the stories are available online.

2) Travel Tips for Every Day (unless I change the title)
I wish I could take full credit for the things I'll cover in this humorous nonfiction book, but I can't. The truth is, I've been traveling with Julie Mayfield and Chris Weil for nearly a decade and each time I go, I always learn something. There's an interesting angle, however. I'm taking things I've learned on the road and applying them to every day life so, in addition to the humor, there's two applications to the book: Using the tips in your traveling and improving the way you do things by applying the tips to your every day life. Currently I have about 70 tips in the outline, which I actually fleshed out with short clarification sentences last week. Organization of each tip has also already been figured out and I've split the content into three categories. All that really remains is writing the actual formatted tips so they make sense to someone other than me. I'm hoping to shop this project around to agents by summer, 2002.

3) Life is But a Dream
It's my nonfiction book (first mentioned in my iU chat in October 2001) about discovering and following your dreams. In it, I discuss issues that I believe hinder us from fulfilling our true calling and present some solutions that have worked for me in pursuing my dreams. I'm only into chapter two and it's already generating interest among writer friends who think their agents would be interested. Nevertheless, the book is outlined and it's really just a matter of getting it all down. I hope to shop it around by the end of the year.

4) My next novel
Nope. It probably won't be a Fairlight novel. I've got an idea I want to pursue prior to picking up with my current series. It's tentatively titled One of the Girls. What does it have to do with? Other than the fact that it will sit on the same bookstore shelves as my Fairlight books, It's too early to say. I haven't even thoroughly plotted it yet (although flashes of it come at me when my mind is idle). I'm considering telling it in first person too, which will be a challenge but I think apt. Too early to tell if it will extend beyond a single novel though. More info later so stay tuned.

5) Faith Restored
The fourth Fairlight novel was going to be Chaser of the Stars (now slated as Fairlight #5). However, while in Tel Aviv, Israel in November of 2000, another CFTF-era story came to me while I was studying an Israeli History museum that dovetailed with some stray "cleansing camp" ideas I'd had when visiting the Anne Frank Haus in Amsterdam a year before. The result was a story I would have to tell sooner than later.

A portion of the premise for Faith Restored as it currently reads in my Palm Pilot:

Takes place immediately after CFTF & FITP, detailing the final three offensive battles to stamp out a return to Government rule. When Faith is captured and thrown into a cleansing camp, Tannk spearheads the campaign within the resistance to convince Mancy Fairlight, Nik Tavarone and Chance to go after her.

Of course, despite not having fully plotted the story, I've got a lot more in my PDA. Sharing it with you would be premature, however, since I probably won't plot this one until the middle of 2003. While it is true that you don't know much about Faith now, rest assured that most of your questions about her will be answered in Faith in the Past and, hopefully you'll want more. Faith Restored will give you more.


God bless you! Thanks again so much for your readership and support.

Paul M. Carhart
Author, Chance for the Future & Hope for Tomorrow